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Dots Analytics.

Thriving in the era of pervasive AI

The Age of AI is upon us. It’s a world where humans work with machines to enable far greater outcomes. Dots Analytics teams with industry leaders to help advance AI innovation that can create heroic growth and optimization strategies for your organization.


What is AI?

Artificial  intelligence Is the development of machines capable of performing tasks which typically   require human intelligence

A.I. Solutions

Remote operation
Manufacturing operations
Management capabilities
Maintenance manager
Maintenance inventory optimized with forecasting planned maintenance, costing and ordering.
Maintenance planning with process optimization as primary target.
Orders and shipment with to synchronize with maintenance.
Production planner
Better production planning with optimized capabilities that take account of production rotations, downtime, inbound feeds, raw stock.
Batch optimization with consideration of cost reduction.
Production and working schedule optimization with automated multi-factor inputs.
Operations & engineering
Better operation optimization with tools allowing real-time decision making.
Ops. optimization, Local in/out multi -site logistics, Raw stock management,
Defining better production recipes with data profiling.
Real-time value chain KPI with intelligent IoT insight. Optimization of key process variables (mining, refining, carbon, reduction, casting) with game theory.
Augmented-reality visualization of remote operation performance and forecasting with automated executive dashboards.
Advanced forecasting, rule setting, game theory with automated tools.
Optimized contract management process with enabled tools.
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